Photo By Sharon Hay

Archived Posts

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Square Peg, Round Hole

I have a serious issue with the new fast food trash can design. Most places are straying from the swaying rectangular front door and are going with the circle at the top technique.

Now I am sure that this makes it much nicer in terms of the overflow issue and the overall emptying technique. Not too mention it is less dangerous I suppose.

Maybe this movement sparked when some little kid got his hand jammed in the swinging door of the old design?

But here is the problem...most of these circular holes are much smaller then the rectangular trays these places are serving food on. The days of just swiping your tray into the can are over. There is much careful aim needed and patience to prevent spilling ketchup (catsup) and/or garbage all over the place.

Maybe this is just me being petty, but I get fast food to avoid doing any work altogether. So lets try to make my exit as easy and enjoyable as my eating experience.

I mean where do you write "Thank You" on a circular top hole?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You actually eat fast food inside the restaurant?